The Vegan Revolution Adopt - a- Zombie and casting Call
Aug. 29th 4 PM at the vegan mini-mall SE 12th and Stark! Filming starts at 5 PM! You don't have to be a vegan to be zombie! all are welcome. Dress like a total zombie hipster and you will get lots of love from the camera. read all the details below about casting!
In September 2010 I am releasing a novel with Eraserhead press called “The Vegan Revolution With Zombies.” It is a bizarro satire take place here in Portland. I'm not going to get to into the plot just yet, but we have some awesome plans for the book. It's really funny and I think everyone will enjoy it.
The book is about veganism...well it has a lot of zombies in it too. I wanted to do something to help give back to the vegan community with the book. So for the first four months the book is out I donating all my proceeds to to Try Vegan PDX. Try Vegan organizes events in portland like Vegan Iron chef, Vegan prom and of course our flagship event Try Vegan Week. We also run a year round vegan mentoring program here in Portland.
In late August we are planning on filming a trailer to promote the book, it will be filmed on zero budget but we intend to put some love into and make it look like a movie trailer. You can help us promote veganism and the book all while having fun.
Donate to our Adopt – A – Zombie program. For a $3 dollar donation to Try Vegan we will paint you up like zombies so you can join the zombie hordes trying to eat our vegan heroes during the trailer. This will be on the day of filming Exact date will be set soon. We will have vegan potluck on the set and a short preview reading from the novel. Plus you get to be a zombie in the book trailer! How awesome.
You can of course do it up yourself for Free.
The two best zombie voted on by a panel of experts will win prizes including Books, food, gift certificates and more.
We are still casting a few speaking roles:
Dani Joanna – the main character. Late twenties, early thirties woman. She is an editor by profession.
USDA food sampler – This character is giving away samples of “stress-free” label meats and might argue with the vegan a little.
Samantha – the abolitonist animal rights activist
A Prius – Yep the car, a Prius plays a major role in the book, Sun roof is super extra awesome. The provider of the prius gets door prizes.
The roles of Freegan, Hamburger eater, Mark, Magik, and Bru-Dawg have already been cast.
Most important:
We need tons, and tons of zombies, be a zombie!