Sunday, August 29, 2021

Book Review: Sorrowland by Rivers Solomon


Sorrowland by Rivers Solomon

Hardcover, 368 pages
Published May 4th 2021 by MCD

This is my third Rivers Solomon novel and they have one very strong connection. They defy easy and typical genre definitions. On the surface, there is always some kind of easy commercial pitch, in the Unkindness of Ghosts it was a novel in the well-worn genre of Generation ships. It ended up having more in common with Butler’s Kindred than Heinlein’s Orphans in the Sky. The Unkindness of Ghosts is a surreal masterpiece, it took this space nerd a little time to accept the unreality of that novel and once I did the universe of that novel opened up. The longer I thought about the book and the more distance I had from reading my respect for it grew.

Solomon is a writer who creates deeply thoughtful fiction. As activists, we are taught to envision the world we wish to see, not the one forced on us daily. Sorrowland is a product of a writer who clearly decided they are writing the world as they envision. Solomon’s bio says they are a writer who writes about life in the margins.

It is clear from the dust jacket cover that they were “Born on Turtle Island but currently resides on an isle in an Archipelago off the coast western coast of a continent.” This was not said to be cute, or to signal radical views it is clearly the author’s heart felt position. Anyone reading this novel can FEEL that this author writes their truth and has zero fucks to give if that is not for you.

Sorrowland is a radical novel, sure it is gothic, it is horror, science fiction, and fantasy. It is all those things but at the core, it is the most radical of coming-of-age stories. It comes from such a fresh, thoughtful, and intensely unconformist place that I hesitate to imply that I understand it. I felt many things reading Sorrowland, I was moved by it and yet I feel from my position I have only seen the parts of the iceberg above water. It is not every novel that is able to comment on race, gender and personal identity, sexuality, misogyny, racism inherent in the American system, Well-intentioned but misguided radicalism, colonialism, religion, the state experimentations on people of color and do it all while telling a coming of age story of a teenage mother.

Before I get into why, let me say I went into this reading experience cold, based on the strength of the author. This is a five-star book so I recommend it 100%. So if you don't even want a hint of anything stop here.

Sorrowland is the story of Vern, she has just escaped from Cainland, an off-the-grid compound formed by black radicals decades before she was brought there by her afro-punk mother. 15 years old and pregnant with twins Vern escapes into the woods. Surviving outside of civilization she raises her children Feral and Howling for a couple of years. It gives the first act of this book a fairy-tale feeling. The second act brings Vern and the kids back into society that is where much of the commentary comes from. The third act is bananas in all the right ways. The novel almost explodes into something that frankly I didn’t really see coming like a superhero origin story.

It was a bold choice-making Cainland a product of the radical black revolutionary movement, of course, we learn that they were still being exploited by the system. There is a moment early in the book when a young girl who escapes is returned by a judge that tips off Vern and the reader that the system is protecting these radicals for some reason. 160 pages later Vern admits that she knows what COINTELPRO is and that it is taught in the Cainland schools.

“When they weren’t outright murdering and framing dissidents, they were orchestrating their deaths and downfalls using undercover agents.

It was one of the reasons Eamon started forbidding folks from leaving the compound. It was to protect against spies, informants, and provocateurs. He’d enforced a no- or limited contact rule with outsiders because feds lurked everywhere. Vern thought of the compound’s single phone, the one in his office, so other Cainites wouldn’t have their phones bugged.

Vern quaked as the truth of it hit her. His edicts weren’t defenses against cops but ways to concentrate power in his hands.”

The blessed Acres of Cain was Psyop. Meant to control and exploit the radical as a means to create weapons in the form of superhumans. There is some pseudo-science involving fungus but the nitty-gritty of it was less important to me than the themes that fill the novel. Vern’s discovery of never before felt freedom opens her mind to the world.

The early chapters in the woods don’t have the action of the final act but they are the foundational elements of Vern’s coming of age.

“I like the woods,” she said. “In them, the possibilities seem endless. They are where wild things are, and I like to think the wild always wins. In the woods, it doesn’t matter that there is no patch of earth that has not known bone, known blood, known rot. It feeds from that. It grows the trees. The mushrooms. It turns sorrows into flowers.”

Of course, Vern’s journey is one all non-conformists can relate to. Coming of age in a world where the evil and wrong are clear to you, but not the mainstream is painful. Vern was taught to question what she sees. America and apple pies are not what she sees. Divorced from society at a young age, and raising children outside of it all she sees through it as clear as glass.

“What turned babies, fragile and curious, into Shermans? Into Ollies? Into men who could not interact with a new thing without wanting to dominate it?

What order of events did Vern need to disrupt in the lives of the millions upon millions who woke up every morning proud to be Americans? What made someone love lies?

She saw that cursed flag on the hunter's T-shirt and wondered if he know about the glut of traumas that define this nation's founding. Had he fallen so in love with the myth of belonging that he thought the corpses of his imaginary foes were worthwhile sacrifices toward barbecues, megachurches, bandannas, and hot dogs?

The primary freedoms this nation protected were the ones to own and annihilate.”

Sorrowland is defiant fiction, radical in its response to all that smoke. One of the most beautiful asides happens late in the book. Vern’s children Howling and Feral are like many children, her teachers. She has to form them, teach them outside of all that. That blank slate and that ability for humans to rise above is one of the things the novel teaches us.

“Loving, worshipping, and bowing down to folks who harmed you was written into the genes of all animal creatures. To be alive meant to lust after connection, and better to have one with the enemy than with no one at all. A baby's fingers and mouth grasp on instinct.”

We seek that connection and it is not our fault that connection often grips us at a young age. Vern is a character who is a victim of experiments. Common enough trope for a Hero who ends doing battle with superpowers against evil. Vern’s journey is something new fresh and original because the journey is the work of a singular voice. One uniquely able to deconstruct all the bullshit we accept as mainstream. It is a hell of a thing.

I found Vern’s words very inspiring indeed.

“Ollie and those like her wanted people to think their power was eternal, but even gods died. Empires, too. Continents shifted. Nations came. Nations went. Castles became ruins. I’m going to fight them.”

 Fight on Rivers Solomon, and you have this reader locked in.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Book Review:Jackanape and The Fingermen by D. Harlan Wilson


Jackanape and The Fingermen by D. Harlan Wilson

Hardcover, 96 pages
Expected publication: September 3rd 2021 by Anti-Oedipus Press

D. Harlan Wilson is one of my favorite authors and every I get a new book to read it is exciting. Doesn’t matter what it is.  Could be he is writing non-fiction like his book on They Live, Kubrick, or Alfred Bester. Could be genre-defying novels like Dr.Identity or Outre, so odd he and his imprint of Raw Dog Screaming Anti-Oedipus press invented one with Scihz-flow.  And now it will be two tales he wrote for the stage.

His first play "The Dark Hypotenuse," was staged in Copenhagen in 2012. That was in an earlier book of stage plays. This book of two plays is his second collection in the form. While I knew DHW had written plays this was my first experience with his work in this medium.

It is not unique to Wilson, there are plenty of surrealists that write fiction that would seem impossible to translate to screen or stage. The thing about Wilson’s absurdist and surreal satires of the form itself is they often translation from page to brain. The process of the DHW book is kind of like this. Wilson’s weird thoughts, he types then, they are edited, readers think what the fuck? and often laugh, all the while trying to get a mental image of something impossible to nail down.

A play has to have a little more solid direction but don’t think for a second the weird has been lost. The first play Jackanape is about a Coatrack and murderous dinner jacket. The second The Fingermen is mostly dialogue centered around a group of characters all missing fingers.

The first play has a few hilarious stage directions but much of the humor comes from subtle but hilarious pokes at murder stories. The sheer number of victims the jacket has is funny enough but each of the victims makes a bit of a statement. Scene 5 with Detective Johnson and Cork was the first laugh-out-loud moment.

“Thirty-nine murders in forty-eight hours. And all of them in this room. It doesn’t add up.[Reflects.] Goddamn it, it doesn’t add up.[Pause.] It doesn’t add up I say.” Or “If you can’t laugh at the dark, you shouldn’t grin like the Sphinx. Understand?

Jackanape is a funny and weird play that has some seasons with long monologues and others that are nothing more than sound effects.  

The Fingermen is a more dialogue-heavy satire that uses the concept, set-up, and dialogue to satirize many modern insecurities and self-delusions. There are lots of scenes with whip-sharp dialogue that will have you reading, re-reading passages. It also has characters asking for intermissions, talking to the and breakdowns set to Land of Confusion by Genesis.

My favorite dialogue was “Don’t mind that. That’s just people burning in Hell…I was just kidding about Hell. There’s no goddamn hell. Nobody’s dead either.”

Both of these plays would awesomely uncomfortable audience experiences and challenging for the best of stage actors. I say this as a positive. Like all things by Wilson these plays are delightfully journey to What-the-fuck-a-stan, entry at the border doesn’t take a passport, all you need is a D.Harlan Wilson book in hand.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Book Review: Whisper Down the Lane by Clay McLeod Chapman



Whisper Down the Lane by Clay McLeod Chapman

Hardcover, 304 pages

Published April 6th 2021 by Quirk Books

I don’t remember how or why this book got on my radar; I am assuming a friend talked about it on Twitter but my normal plan worked perfectly. I put this book on hold at the library and by the time it came in and I picked it up I remembered nothing about it and went into reading this totally cold. I will say I was rooting for this book and while I didn’t love it, I liked it and was impressed enough that I will be reading more books by Clay McLeod Chapman.

The reason I didn’t fall in deep love with this book may be less on the book and more on my personal taste. This novel is about the satanic of the 80s. I am old enough to remember this happening.  While I had smart parents who didn’t hide the world from me, I was aware of this stuff happening. I mean our generation grew up despising Tipper Gore and PMRC (google it youngins) so this topic is one I was excited to see tackled in a horror novel.

I think once the novel started, I found myself sorta wishing for a less personal and more global take on the whole Satanic Panic thing. That however would require more shifting points of view like lawyers, cops, political figures. Sounds interesting, but this story could not do that as its narrative is deeply personal.

The narrative structure shifts from two points of view and timelines. Richard in 2013 and Sean in 1982. Richard ends up living a teacher’s worst nightmare, an accusation of abuse in his classroom. At the same time, we are cross-cutting with the Sean storyline where he might be connected to abuse and even SATAN. All caps to invoke Dana Carvey doing the church lady.

The second act twist wasn’t much of one but again that was the story and Chapman told it correctly. It is a spoiler (you are warned) but going back and reading the dust jacket (I didn’t do that till starting this review) it should be obvious. The stories are of course connected and of course, Sean and Richard are the same person. For that reason, the book had to have a tight narrow focus. The book was not exactly what I wanted but it was what it needed to be.

The best and most impressive thing about this novel is implied in the title. Whisper Down the Lane is another name for the game of ‘Telephone.’  How a story can mutate as it spreads as a rumor. That makes this a great title for a novel about this topic. In some ways, this novel is as much about manipulation. Chapman puts amazing amounts of attention to the moments where investigators manipulate and twist Sean into lying and making an accusation.

False confessions are a huge problem. Investigators use leading questions to plant seeds. So Chapman for very good reason puts entire interviews in the book. It is clear he did his research and that the details mattered. For that reason, Sean’s storyline required a certain detachment and I am assuming that is his storyline is in third person and Richard’s was first person.  Again that could also be to preserve the twist.

On pages 170-74 during one of the interviews has a perfect chilly example.  Kinderman (Exorcist easter egg) the investigating cop first gently works to earn the trust of Sean. Gives him a trick to feel comfortable telling him a secret and then berates him for being afraid. These are some of the most harrowing moments of the book.

This is a good novel, but I just didn’t love it like I felt I could have. The story is well told, but the events feel a little cataloged to me. I didn’t feel much dread outside watching the trainwreck of the interviews. For example, there is a scene where Richard goes to a meeting about the abuse accusations, in order to preserve the ‘Twist’ we don’t know his history, I actually think knowing this and building off his anguish and fear of his history turning on him would have been a scarier experience for the reader.

Inspired by true events Whisper Down the Lane weaves commentary on the real-life events and fiction into the story. I caught many of the references to Rosemary’s Baby and The Exorcist but I don’t know the real-life case, so there may be elements I was missing.  In this novel paranoia is like gas being thrown on the fire of a rumor. The ingredients are there for mass hysteria.

This is a case where I think my personal taste got in the way. I think Chapman wrote an important horror novel. I think many readers will like it more than I did. The best thing I can say about it is that Chapman just sold a reader on checking out his other books. I am excited to see what he can do outside of a novel inspired by a true case.  


Sunday, August 8, 2021

Book Review: Goblin by Josh Malerman


Goblin by Josh Malerman

Hardcover, 416 pages
Published May 18th 2021 by Del Rey Books (first published 2017)

I could be remembering this wrong but when I interviewed Josh last year for the Postcards podcast he said this book was some of his earliest attempts at writing and that makes a certain sense. We can debate if this is a novel or a collection of stories but I think the answer is yes. You and I (reader) are going to revisit this point after we talk more about this book. It was first published as a limited-edition expensive hardcover. I have no idea how different the edits are between the editions. It is exciting that Malerman has become bankable enough for Del Rey to shell out the funds to re-issue these small press books. I am sure this, in the long run, benefits This is Horror and Earthling so I am excited about that.

If this was early Malerman I am impressed with how confident and assured the writing is. I can see why JM and his team would wait to publish this one. It is not as commercial as the Bird Box books, the hooks are not as surface as Inspection and require a certain amount of patience from the reader. I scanned quickly a few GoodReads reviews and it is clearly some readers wanted less of a slow burn.

Here is the concept six tales set in the midwestern take on the haunted village, a motif we have come to associate with King’s Castle Rock or Lovecraft’s Dunwich. Goblin Michigan reminds me more of Charles L. Grant’s Oxrun Station novels and stories that ran from the 70s and 80s. These were atmospheric and moody horror novels that played with character and vibe. I have no idea if the Grant novels were an influence but they are a spiritual cousin to Goblin at the least. My memory could be wrong but I believe Grant did a collection of Oxrun Station stories called the Orchard.

The setting of Goblin a town cursed with abnormally high rainfall and haunted by secrets seems to be created as Malerman’s go-to creepy small town. I mean horror writers need one of these right? King uses Castle Rock and Derry like a pair of crutches but that is not the case with Goblin. A town that has not really appeared else in the Malerverse, yet.

None the less the six stories here are subtle gothic fare, if you are coming for the post-apocalyptic action of Bird Box make sure you don’t sleep on the equally good maybe better sequel Malorie. In that book, Malerman showed his chops for using plot, setting, and character to create terror.  Goblin however is VIBE with all-caps, bold, and underlined to make a point.

It is funny because the wrap-around story presents some of the best setup and pay-off in the book. Enough happens that you forget about the deliver-man with the weird instructions, by the time the epilogue came around I have a pleasant “Oh yeah,” and enjoyed that moment. Of the six Novellas, I liked the back half a little better. The last two “A Mix up at the Zoo,” and “The Hedges” were my favorites.

Kamp is the strongest of the first half, the story of a man who is scared of ghosts to the point that his biggest fear is being scared to death. This story plays horror tropes like a rhythm guitar player plays a solid power cord. It is a comforting feeling for this reader. I can relax a little knowing the storytelling is in good hands.

The only novella that lost me was “Happy Birthday Hunter,” which just made the animal rights guy in me a little uncomfortable, and that might not affect you. I couldn’t relate to the character but for the same reasons, moments of the Zoo novella hit my sweet spot.

This story of employees at the Goblin Zoo had several powerful moments of character. It is the story of a tour guide and a zookeeper who confront the nature of their jobs, the zoo, and the idea of cages. This is done through a carefully crafted three-way parallel between the man picking up the trash, one who gives a tour, and a female gorilla who is the star of the zoo.

“One night at closing time in his second week at his second week on the job, a possible explanation popped up, unasked for.

They know I’m not where I am supposed to be. Up here- he tapped his head – I’m caged too.”

Every reader brings their personal feelings to the mind-meld of a novel. This reader was hit hard by the power of empathy shown in this story for the gorilla Eula. Her cage has a sign ENTER IF YOU DARE! IT’S GOBLIN’S GREAT GORILLA. Dirk the zookeeper turned tour guide is so affected by her captivity and the shame of it he can’t speak or do his job. This was the most powerful and emotionally rich moment of the book for me. Dirk’s awareness that Eula was not just an animal but a woman was powerful.

“Her literal captivity was hard enough for him. But consider the woman inside the Gorilla, with no notion to break free, was enough to keep Dirk silent for the duration of the tour’s stay at her post.”

Powerful stuff.

All things being equal and divorced from my personal ethics the most effective horror story in the collection is the closer The Hedges. This one is perfect as is but I felt like it could have sustained a short novel in the 150 to 170 pages range. The story of Wayne a widow who plants the hedge maze (seen on the cover of this edition) to honor his dead wife. I understand why this is the cover story, Margot the young child on the cover goes to the police and tells them unlike basically everyone else she has solved the maze. She is telling them because she found something you will want to see.”

I love this setup. The narrative flips from Wayne’s backstory to Margot telling her story, Malerman breaking the rules a bit by letting Margot unfold this story in her own words. The back and forth is very well done with the alternating chapters ending on notes that will keep you turning pages.  

Consider the transition between chapters six and seven of this tale. Six ends with Molly Wayne’s wife dying…

“Molly would die, six years later in her sleep, and Wayne devastated and very close to being destroyed, intended to keep his vows.

He’d start by planting her a bush.”

Seven starts with Margot wanting to call her mom, her mom is on her way, but the cops are desperate to get the end of her story and the short chapter ends with her teasing that she cracked the code of the Hedges. We cut back to Wayne building the hedges. This structure helps build the story to the point I don’t want to spoil. Excellent storytelling.

The ending wrap around ties it all together. I believe this book is both a novel and a short story collection. Yes in a way it is both. The rules that define what a book are made-up bullshit anyway. A novel follows a character through a story and in this case, the character at the heart of this narrative is the town of Goblin.

I whole heartily recommend this novel for Malerman and horror completionists. This is not the book to begin a journey with this author. Not for any weakness on this book just based on the strength of his other releases. Birdbox and Inspection are great openers. I have yet to read a Malerman that didn’t show storytelling and prose chops. Goblin is subtle quiet horror but if that is your bag then take a trip to Goblin Michigan.

My first interview with Josh, Goblin focused episode coming soon!

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Book Review: Fallout: The Hiroshima Cover-up and the Reporter Who Revealed It to the World by Lesley M.M. Blume


The Hiroshima Cover-up and the Reporter Who Revealed It to the World by Lesley M.M. Blume

Hardcover, 288 pages
Published August 4th 2020 by Simon Schuster


 75 years have passed since the U.S. war machine crushed the city of Hiroshima. History and non-fiction books are not my strength as a reviewer. What I mean is I can write a lot about the construction of horror and Science fiction but I love history.

Lesley Blume wrote a really important book here, it was a library grab. It was not exactly the book I wanted or expected. I just assumed that the whole book would be filled with crazy details about the massive destruction. Those horrors are here in the book but it is not an overwhelming list of misery.

This book is more of a story of author and journalist John Hersey got around the attempts to cover up the aftermath. His story and how he got it out to the world through the New Yorker is the backbone of this book. It is an interesting story and one I am glad I read.  

For more information you could also check out this talk with the author from the World War 2 museum.

Check out this video!