*Note I am on a couple of outlines for paying, and novel-length projects So If reviews are not as deep as normal…
Eric John Stark: Outlaw of Mars by Leigh Brackett
208 pages, Mass Market Paperback
Published August, 1982 by Del Rey / Ballantine
The Queen of the space opera, Leigh Brackett is most often remembered for the last piece of writing she did before she died in 1978. The first draft of The Empire Strikes Back has many of the elements the second Star Wars film is known for. Her fingerprints on the saga are objective, but there is also a subjective influence. A young George Lucas has admitted Flash Gordan Serials inspired him but it is also clear he was reading the space opera of Leigh Brackett and her husband the equally famous writer (at the time) Edmond Hamilton. Their vibes are such that theories swirled for years that the SF power couple had ghostwritten the first Star Wars.
Brackett was a talented writer of many genres and formats. Co-writing the classic noir film The Big Sleep is her other famous Hollywood credit. She wrote excellent more ‘serious’ science fiction novels like the post-nuclear novel The Long Tomorrow and my personal favorite the SF horror hybrid The Big Jump.
I know I read one of the books with this main character when I was a teenager, as I was investigating the author George Lucas felt he needed to hire for Star Wars. Despite being Charmin white on the cover of all the paperbacks Brackett has said Stark is a black man, and that separates him from the other Mars space rogue heroes of the era.
This edition of the novel is a Del Rey 80s fix-up that took two short novels first published as serials, and secondarily as two halves of Ace doubles. Really it is two complete stories.
Eric John Stark is another thinly veiled homage/ spin/ rip-off of John Carter, with a Mars that feels more like the sword and sorcery setting of Robert Howard novels than Barsoom. LB wasn’t the only woman playing in that sandbox CL Moore a decade before Brackett was filling the pages of Weird Tales with Northwest Smith, an Indiana Jones/Han Solo hybrid who was also finding and fighting monsters while digging around ancient tombs on Mars.
The influence on Han Solo might be a major reason LB got the Empire gig.
“Stark's reputation is known all over the system. There's no need to tell us that again.”
We are given the information that Stark has been on many adventures that we have never seen. He is a smart-ass, handsome rogue like Han Solo, but he wields a sword and confronts a variety of monsters and cults around Mars that are so Conan-influenced that you almost picture these stories in old issues of Weird Tales.
One thing that makes this a different and better reading experience than most of those mid-century pulps is how well LB develops the Mars culture in small bits of world-building.
“My people have just cause for war. They go hungry and thirsty, while the city-states along the dry land border hog all the water sources and grow fat. Do you know what it means to watch your children die crying for water on a long march, to come to at last to the Oasis and find the well sanded and by a storm, to go again, trying to save your people and your herd? Well, I do I was born and bred in the dry lands, and many a time I cursed the border states with a tongue like a dry stick.”
Most of these tales started life as serials in magazines, or in the limited word counts of Ace Double paperbacks. When she stretches out a bit and gets into telling the story with style LB shines. Brackett is an excellent writer who elevated the pulps with powerful world-building and excellent descriptions. Her prose was good.
“Shattering the night, light and sound crashed up the grand stairway of Sinharat. First came massed torch bearers, holding their flaring brands high. Then the thundering skin drums measure windpipes, and then Canon and his new come allies, and after them the tribesman.
As the procession climbed, the dark western face of the cliff-top city leaped into quivering light. The ancient cavern faces that had for centuries looked out on nothing but darkness and silence and desert, now glare triumphantly in the shaping red rays. And despite the proud, loud clamor of drums and pipes, the eyes of climbing tribesmen pointed with doubt as they looked up and beheld the old stone phases of the Ramas.”
It might be considered a SPOILER but in the second half story, Stark encounters another rogue. In a bit of a mirror of Leigh Brackett’s life, this rogue is mistaken for a man. She is however as badass on Mars, as Leigh Brackett was with a typewriter.
“The woman wheeled her mount. Bending low, she caught up the axe from where it had fallen and faced her chieftains and her warriors, who were as dazed as stark. “I have led you well,” she said. “I have taken you Kushat will any man dispute me?”
No man can dispute Leigh Brackett. She proves every time I read one of her works. She is a good writer, a good storyteller, and she will transport a reader ready to dive into her universes. I don’t like it as much as her less pulpy work, but it has plenty of fun moments, and a couple of great writing and storytelling.