Saturday, May 11, 2024

Stokercon 2024 Airport to Hotel Instructions (Text + Videos)


Airport to Stokercon Instructions 

 Hey Stokercon visitors. David Agranoff here. I am a local San Diego author and part of team helping pull off the Stokercon weekend. This is the detailed instructions for getting from San Diego’s airport to Hotel. You can do it for $2.50 and it will about 45 minutes. Don’t rent a car or spend $20 on an uber.

 Before you land, download the Pronto APP. Non-smart phone users, I will provide an alternative once you get to Old Town.  Put $10 on the app, but at least $5. The AP has real-time information and trip planner functions so I recommend it. You click on Manage and then Load money. You’ll have to connect it to a debt or credit card.

 Terminal 1 Spirit/ Southwest Airlines

 After baggage claim, go outside. You will cross the street where all the pick-ups are happening. There is construction, so it is a little messy but follow the signs for Courtesy Vehicles.  If you stop to ask, you are asking for the San Diego Flyer. That is the name of the shuttle. Terminal one is at a white bus shelter. You want “The San Diego Flyer to Old Town.” It is free. 

 Terminal 2: (all other airlines)

 Once you go down the steps to Baggage claim, there is an info desk, when are facing the info desk, the door you want to go out of is to the right of the info desk.  Go outside to a crosswalk and follow the signs for courtesy vehicles. After crossing you’ll go left and you will see a Sandwich board sign for “The San Diego Flyer to Old Town.”  There is also a sign on one of the posts. You can’t miss it.

 The flyer is free, and it takes about 15-20 minutes to get to the Old Town Transit Center. There are two Flyer stops at Old Town. You get off at the second stop and the Trolley is right there. If you tell the driver that you are catching the east bound trolley they will know how to help you. Two Different trolley line stop there make sure you get on the right one.  You want the “GREEN LINE to Santee.”  (if you take the wrong green line you go to the Mexican border) There is a digital sign that will tell you the wait times. Generally, a Green line comes every 15 minutes. 

 Before you get on the trolley you will scan the QR code on the Pronto app to pay for your ride. You open the App and hit the USE button. There are Scan and ride boxes on the platform. You can be fined if your pronto card/app is not scanned or has money. Transit cops check at random.

 (If you don’t have the app, there are pronto machines and you can buy a $10 transit card and tap that to ride, the card is free but you have to buy 10 in fare) 

 Once you are on the Trolley you will ride for 5 stops if you are staying at the Marriott. If you are staying in the Town and Country you will get off at the second stop - Fashion Valley. 

 (Town and Country folks, get off the Green Line, go down the stairs and the back of the town and country is across the bridge park/river to the south. To check in you’ll have to go around to front. But getting back on the trolley to go to the con is super easy.)

 Marriott folks the fifth stop is Rio Vista. You will get off the train, wait for it to pull away and cross to the northside of the tracks, and walk to the east the same direction the train left in. There is a path that crosses a bridge. You’ll see a sign that says Hotel/ Offices with an arrow that is correct.

 Follow that path and you’ll see the hotel on the left. There is a short path (after some in-progress construction. The path has railings that are painted white. You go left off the path to the north and the hotel is a short walk. 


Easy.  I also shot an 11 minute video of the trip so you can see it.




Here is the Video of the San Diego Stokercon AMA from late late March.






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