Monday, September 30, 2013

Book Review: Star Wars -The Last Jedi

Star Wars: The Last Jedi by Michael Reeves and Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff

Del Rey 460 pages Paperback

Last year I had a bit of a Star Wars binge where I read one every other book that I was reading for a few months. Since SW was such a huge part of my childhood it was nice familiar feeling. I could hear the sound effects, the music. I think that is why SW books are popular in prison and the military for people away from home.

One of my favorite SW novels came as a total surprise. That was Reeves first SW novel Darth Maul Shadow Hunter. When I saw it on the shelf I wasn’t going to read it, but a friend said it was surprisingly good. Not only was it good, I thought it was a fantastic SW that while titled after The villain Darth Maul was much more than that. Yes Darth Maul is a major force, but the novel is more of noir tale of the universe’s capital city than anything. The novel introduces several new characters which were the highlight of that novel, but the action and pacing were also very well done. I became a Reeves fan and mostly he has proven me correct that he belongs along side Matthew Stover, and James L…. as the best authors working in the expanded universe. This is the third novel that he has teamed up with Fantasy writer Maya Kaathryn Bohnoff. It’s a good partnership, the novels maintain the pace and action.

This novel follows the adventures of Jax Pavin whose droid I-five was introduced back in the Darth Maul along with Jax’s father. These are my two favorite EU characters and it was the main reason I wanted to read this novel. Taking place during the dark days of the rebellion and involves the after math of a terrible defeat for the rebels. Darth Vader has captured one of Pavin’s best friends and a leader in the rebellion. Jax decides he has to rescue his friend or risk a planned assassination on the Emperor.

I am a sucker for anything Jedi and Sith related and this story takes a neat angle on force spirituality. Pavan has to explore his feelings believing he is the last jedi, survivor of Order 66. He has to confront his feelings toward Darth Vader(being one of the few who knows the truth).

You have to be a star wars nerd, to read an expanded universe novel. This book is a great one but it builds off of Darth Maul Shadow Hunter and the Coruscant Nights Trilogy. So start there if you are a fan of Jedis.

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